Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Staying accountable....

Okay, okay...to say I was bummed this morning when I weighed would be an understatement, BUT...I haven't been working out or watching what I eat...with that said...I am still ever so slightly a LOWER weight than when I stopped regularly blogging my journey. I was 191 very recently though...so I know it's still right there. That's what happens when you eat all you want of whatever you want, I guess. haha! I just wanted to publicly put my current weight out there again...I need to be accountable. This helps me so much.
Here's to my next weigh-in being an even LOWER number...and the quickly approaching;THANKSGIVING...not making that number any HIGHER! haha! ;)


Sunday, November 22, 2015


 I'm sorry it has been MONTHS since I updated on here, but I am here to tell you... I'M BACK!!!
(Of course I would choose the week of THANKSGIVING to get my butt back in gear! haha!)
A LOT has happened since I was staying accountable with this....there have been lots of occasions, celebrations, stresses and falling completely OFF the wagon and yet still trying to do my best when I could. It's been a MESS....but I haven't given up. I always try again- even if it is just a meal or a couple of days! haha BUT I am ready to go full force again.
I am AMAZED, SHOCKED and HAPPY to say...I'm a LOWER weight than what I last posted on here...191 to be exact...pretty awesome, right?! Soo....let's continue on...180's here I come! I was going to post an updated weight picture, but because of phone issues, I don't have that picture now and I forgot to weigh this morning before I ate breakfast...but I'll get my updated weight posted soon.
I will be posting more this time around...to stay accountable, to encourage, and to talk about topics that effect me on this journey. I am EXCITED!
I may even start getting a little annoying on facebook and instagram too...so look for me there!