Friday, February 27, 2015

Comfort Zone...

happens when
you step outside your comfort zone...
We have started going to a new gym this week. I really enjoy it, but like always it takes me some time to feel completely comfortable. I love cardio...I can walk, jog, stair climb and use the elliptical forever... I'm in my own little world until my workout is done. I like that! BUT I didn't love weight/strength training so much before. And the reason why might surprise some, but I think it's quite possible I'm not alone in feeling the way I did. I wasn't afraid I was going to get big, manly muscles...haha! I know women's bodies don't work like that. It was just very intimidating to me on "that side" of the gym. I would always feel like everyone was watching me...watching me not know what to do with the different machines and the fact that I didn't exactly know what to do over there. BUT, I know that using the weight side of the gym is important because I am not trying to just lose weight... I want to be FIT and toned. THANKFULLY I had my husband (who I am so grateful was able to go with me the last couple days)  show me how to use that side of the gym with confidence. I will be on my own from now on, but I am feeling good about it now that I have made myself explore that scary side of the gym. Haha! My feelings have completely changed and I am thoroughly enjoying it all, not just my cardio. So if you're intimidated by strength training or don't like cardio or maybe it's even joining a gym in the first place or maybe it's joining a class (I'll be working on this one for myself too. Yikes! stay tuned...) Let's break out of our comfort zones...go there, do it and let's change our bodies! I'm so excited to start seeing results. I know I am only 2 days in at this point, but I am really excited about it... so excited that it's actually making this FUN to do! We're in this journey TOGETHER everyday in every way! Let's do this!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Today is the BEGINNING!

Yesterday I said tomorrow...and now that is TODAY! I have officially started my journey. No more..."I'll start tomorrows!" Haha! But seriously...I am so excited to be started! No, it's not a MONDAY, the FIRST of the year or even the FIRST of the MONTH, but I am STARTING NOW! There is no turning back. Today is the first day of the rest of my life and it's going to be a healthier one. Today I went to the gym and grocery shopping. I wanted to give myself the best chance at success. I am BLESSED to have a wonderful husband who fully supports me, helps me and is actually taking this journey WITH me. We will be a healthier couple TOGETHER and we will be a healthier FAMILY as we set a better example for our kids. I took my "before" pictures today, they make me sad. I'm embarrassed to put myself out there and share these details at this time, but... I do KNOW not too far away I will look back on them and see how FAR I have come from where I'm at now. I'm NOT staying this way. I am 5'6" and my official starting weight is 216...I also took my measurements, but I will share those later on with updated measurements to show my progress as I go. I can already tell by having this blog I WILL stay MOTIVATED and I truly hope to MOTIVATE OTHERS. We are capable of amazing things and I look forward to seeing lots of SUCCESS!!! SO HAPPY FOR NEW BEGINNINGS!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Background Story...

In 2010 I made the decision to lose weight and I was very serious about it. I weighed 197 pounds, which was too close to 200 pounds for me. I decided to sign up for Weight Watchers. I was very successful. I got down to 147 pounds, but then I had people telling me not to lose anymore...and to be quite honest, I felt SKINNY and thought I was cured. Haha! I started not watching what I was eating so closely and slowly stopped working out as much and sadly to say 5 years later I have gained it ALL back plus some. I am now weighing 215 pounds. I have not ever been over 200 pounds unless I was pregnant. Of course I tried to lose the weight other times, but always stopped again for one reason or another.
I am ready to take this journey on again, but this time knowing I will never be "cured"... there is NO END date for this. This has to be a lifestyle change, a true change in my heart and mind. This is a change to NEVER stop taking care of myself again. To live a happy, healthier, more fulfilling life in every way. I am hoping by sharing my story every step of the way, I can keep myself motivated and maybe even motivate someone else to do this for themselves too!                                                              I CAN do this. You CAN do this. WE WILL DO THIS!

These are my previous before and after photos...I'll post a picture tomorrow of me currently as my journey to get fit and healthy FOR GOOD officially starts tomorrow!