Thursday, February 26, 2015

Today is the BEGINNING!

Yesterday I said tomorrow...and now that is TODAY! I have officially started my journey. No more..."I'll start tomorrows!" Haha! But seriously...I am so excited to be started! No, it's not a MONDAY, the FIRST of the year or even the FIRST of the MONTH, but I am STARTING NOW! There is no turning back. Today is the first day of the rest of my life and it's going to be a healthier one. Today I went to the gym and grocery shopping. I wanted to give myself the best chance at success. I am BLESSED to have a wonderful husband who fully supports me, helps me and is actually taking this journey WITH me. We will be a healthier couple TOGETHER and we will be a healthier FAMILY as we set a better example for our kids. I took my "before" pictures today, they make me sad. I'm embarrassed to put myself out there and share these details at this time, but... I do KNOW not too far away I will look back on them and see how FAR I have come from where I'm at now. I'm NOT staying this way. I am 5'6" and my official starting weight is 216...I also took my measurements, but I will share those later on with updated measurements to show my progress as I go. I can already tell by having this blog I WILL stay MOTIVATED and I truly hope to MOTIVATE OTHERS. We are capable of amazing things and I look forward to seeing lots of SUCCESS!!! SO HAPPY FOR NEW BEGINNINGS!

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