Thursday, April 30, 2015

2 Months DOWN...

BYE BYE 200’s!! YAY!!!  I am so happy to see this number…FINALLY! Haha! It’s been 2 MONTHS since I first started this new lifestyle. My wonderful picture taker and measurer is working across the country right now, so I had to do my best and take my own pictures. Haha! I’m down 17 pounds and lots of inches…and feeling great!

When I was at my healthiest I would run a canyon trail that was 7 miles long. I remember feeling so proud to have accomplished it each and every time I did it. Well…we don’t live by that trail anymore & it’s getting very HOT outside so I took it to the treadmill to see IF I could run 7 miles again. And GUESS WHAT?! I DID IT!! PLUS some! It’s always shocking to me how quickly you can get OUT of shape…BUT it is amazing how quickly, if you really work at it, you can get STRONGER and FASTER again…our bodies are absolutely incredible! The treadmill I was using stopped at 65 minutes so that’s why there are 2 pictures to show my distance. I promise I did it all at once, no stopping. haha! I’d love to get my time down, but I am still very happy to have reached my goal to run 7 miles again like I used to. I’ve always thought it would be fun to run a half marathon or full marathon…I think that is something I’m going to work towards. 
I am truly thankful for all my very SWEET and SUPPORTIVE family and friends. I am so blessed to have you! I truly believe I am BLESSED with the BEST!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Feeling GREAT!

 I am happy to report that I did FINISH the 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge! It was actually a lot of fun and I have felt so much better. I can’t go back to eating the way I was before. I felt WAY more SATISFIED, I never felt hungry, I felt lighter and less bloated…haha…and just GREAT in every way! I only lost ONE pound in those 5 days….but also in JUST those 5 days, I lost 3 ½ inches (bust, waist & hips) and 2 ½ of those were just from my waist! I was happy about that. I can’t seem to get that scale to budge too much though…haha! BUT people NOTICE inches, they don’t have any idea the NUMBER on the scale…so I’m going to keep on keepin’ on. We tried SO many different recipes and foods, like.... the dinner of Teriyaki Salmon, Garlic Bok Choy and Ginger Brown Rice…it was SOOOO different than anything I have ever made…and we ALL (yes, even my little ones) LIKED it. Haha! The ONLY sweets I have eaten have been FRUITS and surprisingly I SURVIVED! Haha! I am continuing on with this. I want to be filling my sweet family’s bellies with as many natural foods as possible from here on out…it’s what our bodies deserve and need. I think of FOOD so differently now. Of course, we will treat ourselves to our favorite treats and foods every once in a while, but to cut it out the majority of the time, I think will make a HUGE difference for all of us. I only want the BEST for my family. I have REALLY been pushing myself in my workouts too. I have recently had a friend say she can SEE the changes! YAY! I know I can notice differences now, but I am still looking forward to the “very noticeable to everyone changes” that are on the way…and the ONLY way to get there is to keep taking it ONE meal, ONE workout, ONE day at a time. It all adds up! BIG changes ahead! 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Sorry guys!

 It’s been a while, I know…and I am sorry about that. We have had SO much going on around here lately. I'm going to be completely honest…I had about a week that I was not eating the healthiest and not working out as much….there were celebrations, goodbye meals and emotional eating…but I am BACK! I weighed in again too and I didn’t gain any weight from all that which I was pleasantly surprised to see! Haha!

I signed up to do a 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge and today is the 1st day! I decided to do this because I want to learn how to eat more whole, natural, healthier foods that fuel my body with the nutrients it needs and deserves. I want to cut out as much processed and chemical filled foods as possible.  My family deserves quality foods and to be as healthy as we can be. I am excited to see what we can learn this week. This is going to be somewhat rough though because not only do I have some picky kiddos, but I am picky too! I am putting in full effort.... I even gagged down some cherry tomatoes that were in my salad at lunch today. HAHA! But seriously…yuck. I like what I like…and this week I will be eating some unknown foods like “Bok Choy” and eating foods I don’t/didn’t like before….such guessed it, cherry tomatoes, which I learned I STILL do NOT like AT ALL! Haha! But I tried.
I’ll keep you posted on how this week goes. It will definitely be interesting….haha!

I hope you all are doing well…and are still moving forward. We all can have a day (or a week…ha!) that we don’t stay right on course, but the MOST IMPORTANT thing is we don’t let it defeat us and we don’t give up because of it. We have to keep going…start again and keep the progress going! NEVER GIVE UP! Ever.

Monday, April 6, 2015

The struggle is real...

I always want to be completely honest. I want to share the good times, the proud times, the not so proud times and the struggles that come with this journey. This Easter weekend I STRUGGLED. Well…kind of….because actually I decided to give myself a pass. Maybe not the best choice, but it’s the one I made. I was beating myself up because I feel like there should be WAY more noticeable results BY NOWhaha! But truth be told it’s a LOOOONG process and it takes TIME. I believe this is why we start full heartedly, but as the time goes by without seeing the rewards quickly enough we lose motivation and ultimately give up. This only makes the process even LONGER. We CANNOT give up. I will NOT give up. So, yes I definitely indulged this weekend. I might have hurt my weight loss for this week, but maybe not too bad. (We’ll soon find out…haha!) BUT instead of thinking I totally messed up and I should just throw in the towel…I’m just going to CONTINUE on with the healthier track I’ve been on. I am going to try to work off my “weekend” and I am continuing to eat healthy again. ONE bad weekend won’t make me gain ALL the weight back just like ONE weekend of denying all temptations didn’t make me lose all the weight I’m trying to lose. It’s about persistence and I am going to keep keeping on. And I believe that is the BEST choice we can make. My progress is not ruined and I will not stop...and I look forward to an awesome week. I hope you all had a very HAPPY EASTER…and if you decided to “treat” yourself too, please don’t beat yourself up over it. Dust yourself off and get back to work. And if you were tough and refused all temptations…good for you! We are all AMAZING…and don’t you ever forget that!