Thursday, April 30, 2015

2 Months DOWN...

BYE BYE 200’s!! YAY!!!  I am so happy to see this number…FINALLY! Haha! It’s been 2 MONTHS since I first started this new lifestyle. My wonderful picture taker and measurer is working across the country right now, so I had to do my best and take my own pictures. Haha! I’m down 17 pounds and lots of inches…and feeling great!

When I was at my healthiest I would run a canyon trail that was 7 miles long. I remember feeling so proud to have accomplished it each and every time I did it. Well…we don’t live by that trail anymore & it’s getting very HOT outside so I took it to the treadmill to see IF I could run 7 miles again. And GUESS WHAT?! I DID IT!! PLUS some! It’s always shocking to me how quickly you can get OUT of shape…BUT it is amazing how quickly, if you really work at it, you can get STRONGER and FASTER again…our bodies are absolutely incredible! The treadmill I was using stopped at 65 minutes so that’s why there are 2 pictures to show my distance. I promise I did it all at once, no stopping. haha! I’d love to get my time down, but I am still very happy to have reached my goal to run 7 miles again like I used to. I’ve always thought it would be fun to run a half marathon or full marathon…I think that is something I’m going to work towards. 
I am truly thankful for all my very SWEET and SUPPORTIVE family and friends. I am so blessed to have you! I truly believe I am BLESSED with the BEST!

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