Monday, April 20, 2015

Sorry guys!

 It’s been a while, I know…and I am sorry about that. We have had SO much going on around here lately. I'm going to be completely honest…I had about a week that I was not eating the healthiest and not working out as much….there were celebrations, goodbye meals and emotional eating…but I am BACK! I weighed in again too and I didn’t gain any weight from all that which I was pleasantly surprised to see! Haha!

I signed up to do a 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge and today is the 1st day! I decided to do this because I want to learn how to eat more whole, natural, healthier foods that fuel my body with the nutrients it needs and deserves. I want to cut out as much processed and chemical filled foods as possible.  My family deserves quality foods and to be as healthy as we can be. I am excited to see what we can learn this week. This is going to be somewhat rough though because not only do I have some picky kiddos, but I am picky too! I am putting in full effort.... I even gagged down some cherry tomatoes that were in my salad at lunch today. HAHA! But seriously…yuck. I like what I like…and this week I will be eating some unknown foods like “Bok Choy” and eating foods I don’t/didn’t like before….such guessed it, cherry tomatoes, which I learned I STILL do NOT like AT ALL! Haha! But I tried.
I’ll keep you posted on how this week goes. It will definitely be interesting….haha!

I hope you all are doing well…and are still moving forward. We all can have a day (or a week…ha!) that we don’t stay right on course, but the MOST IMPORTANT thing is we don’t let it defeat us and we don’t give up because of it. We have to keep going…start again and keep the progress going! NEVER GIVE UP! Ever.

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