Thursday, March 26, 2015


TODAY is 1 MONTH working hard for this! I lost a little over a pound this week if you count those ounces...haha! Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it's still going in the right direction. The scale does not measure my success. I have worked so hard and I know the scale doesn't always reflect that. I'm down 12 pounds total though which makes me happy. But... I CANNOT wait for that 2 in the front to change to a 1 again! UGH! BUT...I know it is coming and it's so close! My photographer and measure-er (haha!) won't be available until later today so I will update that info as soon as I have it, but for now I at least wanted to get my updated weight on here. SO STAY TUNED....MORE TO COME...
The number on the scale today will not steal my moment. I am proud I have stayed consistent all month. I am proud I pushed myself hard everyday. I am proud I chose healthier foods. I am proud of how I am feeling. And I am excited to see what the measurements and pictures show today. There are SO many ways to see results and I choose to notice them all! 
I'm sorry for the delay, we have had a very BUSY and EXCITING week around here, but here are my updated pics and measurements....
 My STARTING pics are above...and 1 month progress below...

So...I can't see a HUGE difference in these pictures, but that's okay. There's some changes though. I have some bikini pics (I'm saving those for a later comparison...haha!) and I can see a lot more changes in those so...I'm still happy. It takes time, it's only been a month so far. I won't list my every measurement as I am sure that will be boring at this point, but...I am happy to say I have lost almost 3 inches from my waist and almost 2 inches from my hips!! My total inches lost overall is 9 3/4 inches! I'm happy with that! Here's to another GREAT month to come and LOTS more changes! 

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