Thursday, March 12, 2015

Weigh-In Week 2

YAY! Even though I had some real temptations this week...I made good choices about them, kept to my workouts and GUESS WHAT?! I am down another 4 pounds which brings my grand total to 9 pounds so far! I know I am just beginning...I have a long ways to go, but I am taking it one day at a time. I won't let myself get overwhelmed by focusing on the whole journey ahead, instead I will take it one step at a time. The days that pass turn to weeks and then to months and years...we have to keep going...soon the results will show! Each day is one day closer to us reaching our goals! I know I can do this and I will...and so can you! I'm ready for another great week and hope you each have a fantastic week as well! We got this!
Starting Weight: 216    Current Weight: 207     Total Lost: 9

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