Tuesday, March 17, 2015

YOU are your ONLY competition!

I’m going to share a past habit of mine... I am guessing I am not the only one who has done this or felt this way though... There have been many times when I tried to lose weight before that I would make it into a competition in one way or another (it’s supposed to be more fun that way, right?!)…it would be between myself and friends, family or sometimes even people who I didn't know very well, but who would share their accomplishments all the time. But things have changed... I do NOT want to be in competition with ANYONE anymore. I will NOT compare myself to anyone else. NOT ANYONE.  I am my ONLY competition.  There were SO many times in comparing I would get discouraged....now when I think back I could have been discouraging to others by having that kind of attitude. I would get very down and even feel defeated…which often led me to giving up or feeling that I was unable to do what I was trying to do. I don’t want to ever feel that way again or ever make anyone else feel that way. I want to only motivate, inspire and encourage others…now and always. So please know in sharing my accomplishments and feelings as I go, I am in no way comparing myself to anyone else and please don’t make it that way for yourself either. Let your competition be YOURSELF. We each have our own stories, our own struggles and our own milestones…and each of us CAN do this. There is no need for us to make it a race or “let’s see who can do it better”…just take it one day, one meal, one workout at a time and always try to do a little better than you were able to do last time…because we ALL can improve. I am so excited to see my story unfold and to see other people’s stories as well. Let’s always remember to build each other up, encourage each other, and always be there for each other. We are not competitors against one another; we are a TEAM and WE CAN ALL DO THIS TOGETHER!  


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