Monday, March 2, 2015

Weekend Success!

 I was a little worried about starting this journey right before the weekend. Weekends seem to be the time when we go out to eat as part of something fun to do as a family or when we get together with friends which also always seems to have food involved. I am going to be completely honest...I absolutely LOVE food! Haha! BUT  I am happy to say, I made it to the gym every day and I stayed right on with my food. Of course I could give in to what I want at the moment, maybe a bad choice of food or not going to the gym, but I stayed focused on what I want the most in the long a quote I once heard (I'm not sure who said it), but..."Willpower is deciding between what you want NOW and what you want MOST."  We even got invited to a "Taco Night" on Saturday with our neighbors. I decided to eat BEFORE I went so I knew exactly what I was eating and so I wouldn't be hungry once I got out there. I know I probably could have eaten there and still been fine, but for this time I chose to just eat before I went. And yes. I still went out and....I didn't feel tempted at all. We talked and enjoyed sitting around the fire together. Food was NOT a necessity for having a good time. I always felt like I was rude to say no to food if it was offered to me, but the truth is it isn't rude. The people who love you will respect your dreams and support your healthy choices! I made it through the weekend and I am looking forward to a great week! I will post again on Thursday which is my weigh in day...I am hoping for a BIG loss this week because it's the first week. Usually the first week is the biggest loss… I know it's mostly water weight, but it's still exciting to be that much closer to reaching my goals. If I can do this, you can do this…so let’s do it!

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