Monday, March 9, 2015


Eye yi yi! I have definitely been tested the last couple days. Saturday we went to the Renaissance Festival…they had a lot of yummy carnival/fair type foods. I tried to make the HEALTHIEST choice from what I had to choose from. (You couldn’t take any food into the festival. Or I definitely would have. But they don’t care if you’re watching what you eat. Ha!) I had a Taco Salad, which was more like nachos with lettuce on top. Haha! For those who don’t know… I LOVE nachos!  I tried to just eat the “salad” part of it though and only ate a couple of the tortillas chips. My kids also got those HUGE turkey legs; I had a couple little pieces off of them… I tried not to get too carried away.  My kids later on also got “frozen cheesecake”…it was covered in a crunchy chocolate shell with almonds on it. I did have to taste test them. Of course! They couldn’t finish them so we threw what was left of them away. That was a TOUGH decision! I am all about desserts and sweets, those are definitely my weaknesses. THEN on Sunday, my husband’s dad came into town and wanted to eat at Texas Roadhouse. My father-in-law ordered TWO appetizers…Fried Pickles and the Bloomin’ Onion. I tried to resist, but I had never tried a Fried Pickle…so I did have a little of these appetizers. I was going to pass on their AMAZING rolls too (my favorite part of Texas Roadhouse), but I gave into those although I didn’t eat as many of them as I usually do. HAHA!  Again, I tried to make a healthy choice for my meal and ordered a Grilled Chicken Salad with the dressing on the side. Luckily it was a late lunch, early dinner so I didn’t need to eat again and felt like I didn’t completely bust my food intake for the day. We were also invited that evening to meet out at the pool for a friend’s birthday to have some CAKE and ICE CREAM…We did go out and wish him a Happy Birthday and say hello, but we didn’t have any of the goodies. Boy did I feel TEMPTED and TESTED this weekend…BUT I feel like I was STRONG. Truth is, we had a “real life” weekend and I can’t stop living just because I am closely watching what I am eating as I am trying to lose weight at this point... It just means I have to THINK a little more before I put something into my mouth, it just means I have to know every day won’t be PERFECT, but I can keep going…and I can STILL reach my goals. I am hoping by sharing my real life situations, I can motivate others to try and make healthier choices. If you still give in here and there...that doesn't mean all is lost. Start again right away, the next meal, the next day...there's NO stopping us! So, here’s to believing my workouts and “smarter” choices will still bring me a good weight loss this week. I truly believe it will…I will keep you updated. My next weigh in day is Thursday!  See you then! 

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